DDM Novastar Announces Open House
August 15, 2013 (Philadelphia PA) - DDM Novastar, a U.S. manufacturer of SMT and PCB assembly equipment, welcomes customers, prospective customers and trade media representatives to attend the company's Open House scheduled for September 12 and 13, 2013. For potential buyers who may be interested in purchasing any type of PCB assembly equipment or a turnkey system in the next few months, this is the best opportunity to see all of DDM Novastar's products demonstrated in one place, ask any technical questions, and get a first-hand tour of DDM Novastar's exclusive U.S.A. manufacturing and assembly facility.
The DDM Novastar Open House will feature hands-on equipment demonstrations including:
- Screen Printers
- Pick & Place Machines
- Selective Soldering, including the new Model IS355
- Reflow Ovens, including the new Model GF-125
Those wishing to attend the Open House are encouraged to register here by August 23: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e7x7ubygb26fa289&llr=hks6cdcab
About DDM Novastar, Inc.
DDM Novastar, Inc, was established in 2011, following the close of APS Novastar, LLC, formerly of Huntingdon Valley, PA. Many of the key staff from APS were hired by DDM Novastar to continue the legacy started by APS in 1981. DDM Novastar continues in their footsteps as the global leader in the design, development, and manufacture of OEM equipment for the short to medium run surface mount technology (SMT) and printed circuit board (PCB) markets.
DDM Novastar's products include stencil printers, automated pick and place robots, reflow ovens, wave and selective solder equipment, component counters and lead forming equipment. DDM Novastar's experienced team has installed over 20,000 product solutions in the telecom, defense and aerospace, security, transportation, automotive, medical and diagnostic devices, personal computers, and academic markets. For more information, visit www.ddmnovastar.com or call +1.610.337.3050.